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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 193

CH# 192.5
CH# 194
My Hero Academia 193: Vestiges. Deku is unable to move or speak in his dream --his body isn't fully formed. He is able to see that there are two more people beside All Might in the distance, but he can't quite make out who they are. He realizes that these are all of the holders of One for all throughout history --which are 8 including himself but there's one more who he isn't sure of, but it becomes clear when he hears one person talking --it's without a doubt All for One, and the other person is probably the first holder of the ability. Deku's unsure if he's seeing a dream or the past play out before him....AFO begins to describe people who's quirks manifested and ruined their lives --one guy had fangs growing out of his face, and while he was a gentle soul who wouldn't hurt anyone, due to people ostricizing him as having a "monsterification" sickness, his parents soon abandoned him. Another guy had no "abnormalities" but he was attacked by those with "abnormalities" one day after work, and lost the ability to move his body due to it. OFA --the little brother tries to stop the older brother from doing something but the two people ask him to. He fuses the two and the guy gets the ability to grow spikes from his body. AFO asks if the guy will help him should he ever need it, and the guy agrees (he looks like the quirkless dude, but still refers to the parents of the fangs dude). AFO says he's doing this for the people, but the little brother says he's just combining folks on his own whims. AFO retorts that while this is his own ego at work, he is doing this to bring order to the world. In the vision little bro is attacked by AFO's bodyguard for mouthing off at him. AFO mocks him that without any quirks/powers of his own he has no rights. (To clarify, in this vision they're called "abnormalities" rather than "quirks".) AFO says he loves his little brother since he has no other family, however...he shows him a scene of those with "abnormalities" attacking normal humans, and seemingly gives these folks abilities as well --for the price of assisting him. The little brother refuses, so he locks him away where little bro refuses to even eat. AFO reveals to him that there was a faction of folks who took the power he gave and then became a resistance against his wishes, and so he killed them all --he was only trying to make scenery like that in the comic books they read back as children. The little brother reminds AFO that no matter how many times the bad guy wins in those comics, he eventually loses to the good guys in the end. AFO then forces an ability on his little brother telling him to see reality his way. Deku tries to reach out to help, but is unable to --but to his surprise the vision starts to talk to him, saying this was only about 20% of what he needs to see(?) Deku realizes that what All Might told him wasn't the whole story at this point. The little brother says that it'll be dangerous but...Deku isn't alone. There's a huge commotion in the dorm and Aoyama goes to make sure Deku is okay, but finds his room has been trashed due to the intensity of his dream, and there's an odd marking on his hand End. You are reading Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga chapter 193 in English. Read Chapter 193 of Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga online on for free.

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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 193

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