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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 191

CH# 190
CH# 192
Dabi, Hawks and Endeavor. Endeavor's eyesight is blurry so he can barely see Dabi but he recognizes his voice, and mentions something about killing Snatch. Dabi says there are more important things to talk about since they have the opportunity. Hawks tries to buy a little time, but Dabi tells them both to chill --he doesn't expect to be able to win if the High spec couldn't --though despite this he still charges in to defeat the top two until Miruko who had been watching the news and saw everything shows up. Dabi is annoyed but decides to retreat, asking for "Ujiko-san" to help him out. He says to Endeavor that he looks forward to the next time they'll talk and asks him not to die in the meantime, referring to him as "Enji Todoroki". After the whole incident Hawks finds Dabi and is pissed that he lied about a bunch of stuff. Apparently this was all supposed to go down tomorrow rather than the current day and on the coast rather than the city --and most especially the Nomu that was supposed to show up wasn't to be that strong. Dabi says he changed his mind, and wanted to test out the High End instead. He goes on to say that it worked out since Hawks got what he wanted, which was to test out "Number one". Hawks agrees, but doesn't like that Dabi is one who would break promises. Dabi retorts that he just became number two, so of course they're not going to trust him so quickly, so they were testing him too. The two go back and forth about what trust means --Hawks doesn't want to lose the trust of the people, and Dabi says they --the villain league needs to build trust with Hawks. In the end Dabi leaves and says it's too soon for Hawks to meet the boss --but he will contact him again soon. Flashback, two officials are asking Hawks to infiltrate/join the villain league and he's confused by this as Grand Torino and the others are part of the search team --and the officials ask him where he heard that as it isn't public info. But basically they want Hawks to go in because if they want to be rid of the league, they'll need much more info --this is something they've ascertained after the whole Kamino incident, especially in regard to the modified humans. They know this isn't just the work of All for One alone. They want to lay all of the secrets of the league bare, and Hawks asks what he's supposed to about their victims while they're investigating/infiltrating. They tell him to think of it as a long term goal, and that there isn't anyone else who can do the job. Hawks is thinking of this as he goes to visit Endeavor in the hospital, and as he goes into his room he inwardly apologies. Meanwhile Dabi is elsewhere and remembers Snatch, and comments that if he thinks about it too much he'll go crazy. End You are reading Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga chapter 191 in English. Read Chapter 191 of Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga online on for free.

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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 191

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