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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 188

CH# 187
CH# 189
MHA 188: Dad is the Number 1 Hero. While fighting the High spec, Endeavor notes five things it can do. 1) It can use jets from it's shoulders to take flight 2) It's flexible and it's arm can change into different things 3) The attacks from it's stretchy arms are incredibly powerful so it can strengthen it's muscles 4) Overall it has enough strength to shrug off iron bars 5) Regeneration. And now a 6th: It can split off into different parts. But the most fearsome thing is that it can think --it's actively keeping others from interrupting it's fight with Endeavor. The High spec has even figured out that there's a limit to how much Endeavor can use his flames. Using his flames and raising his bodily temperature randomly will prove fatal to him. "My body continues to be heavy with flames." He says this as he thinks of his family and what it's done to them. The High spec demands that Endeavor fight him so it can get more power and become stronger. Endaeavor uses "Prominence Burn", commenting on his earlier words at the gathering. "Just look at me", he thinks to himself he didn't want to show this pathetic sight. It burns away the High spec, but it's neck/head survives and it completely regenerates, grotesquely attacking Endeavor in the face leading him to have a third of his face ripped at and (possibly) losing an eye. All of his family gets a bad premonition, as well as Eraserhead and All Might. As the High spec complains about it all being so boring, Endeavor's thoughts are Endeavor lying essentially unconscious thinks "Become a hero who can be proud of themselves: A greater man than your father who is the number one hero." as Shoto, Momo, Denki, Izuku and Kirishima watch the TV in shock. /end You are reading Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga chapter 188 in English. Read Chapter 188 of Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga online on for free.

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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 188

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