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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 186

CH# 185
CH# 187
Chapter 186: Endeavor & Hawks Color spread: A fiery Endeavor. We're introduced to Teruo Hazukashi (Who's last name means embarrassment) mad that he worked so hard in society just to lose his job. So he prepares to attack "society" with his power which is "Shame" which is to say the more embarrassed he gets the more powerful he becomes. He says that "Superpower liberation" will thrive. Hawks takes him out casually on the side while asking Endeavor what his favorite food is. Essentially without really needing to get directly involved, he's just stopping disasters and saving people using his feathers, all while conversing with Endeavor. In fact he's posing with people and talking to fans as they walk --everyone loves him. A group of kids approach him---Endeavor for an autograph but he's really scaring them with his presence alone. He goes in for a handshake but the kid is so weirded out by him suddenly being nice that he runs away. They get to Hawks' office and despite him not appearing at UA he knows a lot, right down to Shoto failing his provisional exam. He expresses delight at Tsukuyomi (Tokoyami) coming to his office though. Endeavor wants to cut the chit-chat and find out more about the modified Nomu. They thought they got all of the Nomu when they arrested All for One, but apparently someone's still producing them. Hawks says it's only a rumor which annoys Endeavor. He thought if he --Hawks wanted to team up that he had solid proof, but he doesn't, so Endeavor starts to leave. Thing is Hawks says he's heard a lot of the same rumors around the country so he's been checking them all out and they have basically no relevance to each other, but he can't rule out that they're just rumors. It seems as if information is intentionally being sent out --despite being vague that is slowly distrupting the peace. It's related to the guy Hawks casually took out. It seems he read this autobiography written by a criminal a long time ago that's suddenly selling out now. With society in unease, he figured he'd bring in the number one hero to put people in high spirits, and he didn't want anything in particular. Endeavor asks what exactly is Hawks' stance in this and Hawks just says he wants to have a good time --it's why his patrol is so laid back and haphazard. It's best when nothing happens and heroes have free time to hang out, he says. The modified Nomu from last chapter suddenly appears and flies toward them. And in sorta garbled speech asks who's the strongest in the room. Endeavor hits it head on and says he'll show them the power of #1. End. You are reading Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga chapter 186 in English. Read Chapter 186 of Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga online on for free.

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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 186

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