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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 179

CH# 178
CH# 180
MHA 179: The School Festival opens!! It's 9:00am and the festival starts as Deku and Gentle's fight heats up. Deku is using his "Final measures" to break through Gentle's "Elasticity". He doesn't like always having to go to the extreme, but he hopes it works. La Brava apologizes to Gentle for her love not being enough, but Gentle says he'll prove that it is --using an attack "Gently Sandwiched" to flatten Deku underneath several layers of elastic air He admits he doesn't like being forceful like this, but he has his own "middle aged fleeting dreams" that he wants to make true. He seems to think back to someone. He tells Deku that he wants to leave his name in history, and Deku beginning to sympathize asks why he needs to get into the School festival so badly --he gets wanting to be remembered but why this? By sneaking into the school festival he'll trample on the dreams of the children there, and steal the smile of a certain little girl, and he can't have that. Flashback to when Gentle was 18 (and his name might be Tobita?) where he states his dream is to be a hero who's name is left behind in textbooks and honored. Unfortunately his grades suck and he's been held back several times not to mention he's failed the provisional exam 4 times. The teacher recommends that he seek voluntary retirement at this rate. He promises his mother that he won't be discouraged and will keep trying. He tries to save a dude who fell off a building with his powers, but the guy bounces off his ability and ends up in the hospital for six months which makes things even worse. In the end he does finally voluntarily retire. It's implied from the flashback that his family became destitute after this. It's then at 22 that he meets up with a past friend, Takeshita and tries to strike up a conversation with him. Takeshita seems to be a popular hero now...Takeshita was the guy he was thinking of when Deku asked him earlier about why he's doing this, and Takeshita was the one who forgot about Gentle. It's then that he decided to turn to crime. He says to Deku that he knows that he's laughable, but even still he'll keep going. Deku confronts him and says he won't laugh. La Brava begs Gentle to win, and for the first time in the fight he and Deku confront each other head to head without quirks. End You are reading Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga chapter 179 in English. Read Chapter 179 of Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW manga online on for free.

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CH# 178
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Boku no Hero Academia Spoilers & RAW Chapter 179

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